How to pick the best paintless dent repair tools for the job.
Paintless dent repair tools come in every shape and size, they all have there own special purpose, but which are essential. Lets take a look in my own toolbox. When it comes to a Paintless dent technician’s tool box, no 2 are the same, the reason for this is the
history of PDR.
Some have weird and wonderful home made tools that have been with them for years, I must confess that this is me. In my box I have some tools that look like they are pieces of scrap, they have old garden handles on them and spot welds where I have broken them over and over again, but I love them. The reason for this is because you know that some tools in your box, may only be used once a year, but if today is that day you need it and you don’t have it, well it is better to leave it in there. Some modern tools are essential for the PDR tech of today, lets go through them all and see what is in my box.

Glue stick gun and puller
Rods and Bars
Door hooks
Dent repair hammer and dollies
Window protector
Window wedge
Knock down tool
Hand tools
and of course
Dent lights and reflectors
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